Taipei, Taiwan- April 30th to May 2nd
The Global Greens is based on 4 regional federations of Green Parties and organisations (Europe, Africa, America and Asia- Pacific). Our federation, the Asia Pacific Greens Network (APGN), was established in 2005 at its inaugural Congress in Kyoto, Japan. At the end of this April, Greens from all over our region will gather in Taipei, Taiwan for the second Congress of this Network. The Asia Pacific region is increasingly influential in world affairs yet is dominated by developing countries where democracy is new, weak or non-existent.The challenges for deepening democracy and giving a voice to green ideas are immense. The Congress aims to strengthen green politics across the region as we confront the challenges of the new century. Aptly titled Fair Share for a Greener Future, it will provide a friendly platform to exchange and update information, plan ahead, and help us understand the contexts within which our fellow Greens are working. The outcome from the Copenhagen climate meeting has made it clearer than ever that the world needs Asia’s growth to be built on solid foundations of democracy and sustainability. This program of the Congress will combine three main objectives:
* providing an opportunity to discuss “where to after Copenhagen” in the context of our region
* developing a 5 year plan for building the APGN and regional Green Parties
* establishing a structure for the APGN which can support such developments For more information about the Congress (including the draft Program) go to its web-site:
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