

domingo, 9 de janeiro de 2011

The Five Reasons Parents Should be Demanding a Greener Education for Their Children

Sustainable Living 
 The Five Reasons Parents Should be Demanding a Greener Education for Their Children 
by Kevin Coyle 
Environmental education in its many forms, including: nature lessons, energy awareness, water conservation, recycling, field trips and community service projects — has been popular over many years in the U.S.  But, in 90% of U.S. schools, it has failed to become more than an occasional add-on to a core curriculum.  Surveys have found that the average school may offer some environmental education opportunities but these seldom provide more than a few hours of instruction and related activities.  So, what do we know about the 10% of schools that take environmental education seriously?  And, how might we use this information to benefit our own kids?   Quite aside from the obvious benefit that your children will learn to protect the environment for themselves and for future generations and live in a cleaner world with the natural abundance, here are five key advantages that may appeal to your “parenting” instincts...
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