Manifest Green Party Syrian
Party's environmental Syrian - Green Party
-*Condemns the environmental party in Syria. Green Party all the terrorist acts carried out by terrorist groups. Takfiri backed and armed gangs from abroad. On the ground all the Syrian.
-*Party emphasizes that dialogue is the only way to resolve any difference.
-*Party emphasizes that dialogue is the only way to resolve any difference.
-*The party refuses categorically rejected. Interference international, Arab and especially Gulf, Turkey, U.S. and French and British. In the internal affairs of Syria.
-* Party stands with the overall reform movement in Syria. With the birth of a modern constitution in Syria. And rejects the existence of Article VIII, and the third in a definite and in the new Constitution.
-*Party emphasizes that the Syrian army is the protection of the Syrian people. And armed gangs fighting the army and the people
-*The Green Party calls on all parties Syrian sister. Green and environmental in the world. Stand with him to fight the lies and disinformation aimed at distorting the situation in Syria and the heart of the facts.
-*Party stands generally false media campaign against Syria. And led by the elders and the rulers of Persian Gulf Persian Gulf, especially Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the most backward and brutal in the hemisphere. Representatives of false television stations as a way station tv tv station Al Jazeera and the Arab is going on in the affiliates.
-* Required environmental Syrian party - the Green Party. Of the German Green Party of the Syrian people to apologize for his recent hostilities and called for the imposition of sanctions on Syria, and we consider the position of the German Green Party, clear and explicit attack on the interests and choices of the Syrian people.
By Greens Syrian/via Facebook
By Greens Syrian/via Facebook
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