The Green Party's meeting will overlap with the United States Social Forum, which convenes in Detroit from June 22 to 26. Many Greens will also participate in the US Social Forum. More than ten thousand activists, organizers, artists, and others from the US and many more from other countries are expected to attend the Social Forum.
For information about the Green Party meeting's schedule of events, registration, and lodging, visit the web site.
National, state, and local Green Party leaders, Green candidates, and many others will participate in the Detroit meeting, which will be hosted by local Greens and the Green Party of Michigan. Plenary sessions, press conferences, workshops, committees, public forums, and other features are now being planned for the meeting. For more information about meeting events, contact the Green Party's national office at or 1-866-41-GREEN.
The slogan for the Green Party meeting is "Another US is possible, another party is necessary" -- similar to the Social Forum motto, "Another world is possible."
The Green Party's 2009 Annual National Meeting took place in Durham, North Carolina. The 2008 meeting, which was the party's Presidential Nominating Convention, was held in Chicago, Illinois.
Fonte: REDE Os Verdes/Via Twitter
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